We use cookies

    We use cookies to ensure website functionality. Our system depends on cookies to work properly.

    Due to security reasons, we cannot share what we do with the cookies to ensure that an unauthorized person does not take advantage of this information.

    Terms of Service

    Please read these terms carefully before using our service

    Acceptance of Terms

    By accessing or using our service, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. If you disagree with any part of the terms, you may not use our service.

    Description of Service

    A-Gen provides a platform for generating and managing alternative accounts for various online services. Our service is provided "as is" and we make no warranties regarding its availability or functionality.

    User Responsibilities

    You must not use our service for any illegal or unauthorized purpose nor may you, in the use of the service, violate any laws in your jurisdiction.


    We employ the use of cookies. By accessing A-Gen, you agreed to use cookies in agreement with the A - Gen's Privacy Policy.

    Intellectual Property

    The service and its original content, features, and functionality are owned by A-Gen and are protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws.

    Changes to Terms

    We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these Terms at any time. Without any prior notice, you are responsible for reviewing these Terms periodically.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions about these Terms, please create a ticket on our Discord server.

    © 2024 Talus Development. All Rights Reserved.